Saturday, November 18, 2006


As some of you know, we have one biological child (pictured, right before her dance recital). J is 4 1/2 and in her second year of pre-kindergarten. She is an absolute joy. She loves school, and is involved with ballet, swimming, horseback riding, soccer, and skating (throughout the year). She loves the Chevy Avalanche (so if you have one of those, you just leapt to HERO status!)
J was diagnosed with mild Cerebral Palsy, at age 2. Since her diagnosis, she has undergone at least a dozen medical tests and procedures. She has also been attending speech, occupational and physical therapy for the past 2 1/2 years. We have seen miraculous improvement in her fine and gross motor skills. However, her neuro motor pediatrician has recently discovered that she no longer has reflexes in her left leg, and her left arm reflexes are much weaker than the right side. We are worried right now...
That being said, she is sooooo excited for her baby sister to arrive. Whenever anyone asks her what her sisters' name will be, she responds, "My mom and dad want to name her Abby, but I hate that name!" So, if that doesn't subside, we may be back to the drawing board for a name, but next time, I think we'll just keep it to ourselves.
Martin is a police officer. Our current home is his 4th move, 6th posting. He has 13 1/2 years service. Krista is a teacher/educational consultant. I presently have my own business. It's quite enjoyable, I am the founder, director and only employee! I work with special needs children (mostly Down Syndrome) on reading and math skills through adaptive means. I don't work much. I am mostly a stay-at-home mom.
Martin and Krista have been married 7 years. We met on a blind date. He lived in Manitoba and I lived in Saskatchewan. We dated 2 1/2 years before we got married, and never lived in the same province. Quite the shock going from the same house!
We currently have L, a 13 year old girl from Korea living with us. She attends school in our town. She is unbelievable. She has been with us a few months, and we love her like crazy! She will head back to Korea the end of January 2007. That will be a sad day in our home.
We have a pet fish. Mr. Fishy... good thing we are a little more creative with children's names. He has been with us for almost three years. I (Krista) have accidentally killed him a couple of's amazing how well chest compressions work on a fish. However, he only seems to remember the accidents, not the fact that I single-handedly brought him back to's fair to say that he dislikes me, and shows it. Each time I go near his bowl, he fans out his sides in fighting stance. If I feed him, he won't eat...and so on.
I think that is our family in a nutshell!

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