Saturday, November 18, 2006


Well, I am moping around tonight (Tuesday, Nov. 7). I have been spending my evening crying and wondering "WHY?" I received an email this evening stating that we most likely would not receive our daughter's proposal until summer-fall of 2008. How is that possible? Initially, when we began our adoption journey, we had thought we might have our daughter with us this Christmas. Now we may not even travel until November 2008 (2 YEARS FROM NOW....) or later.
I find it hard to believe...there are so many children in need of a loving family...why?? Why can't we have our daughter sooner?
This is so husband and I spent 2 1/2 years trying to get pregnant with our beautiful angel, J. We are no longer able to consider pregnancy as an option for more children. We want at least two children, possibly three, and would consider more. We felt that we had paid our dues, but now this process is like every failed attempt to get pregnant. You think you are, and then NO, you find out that it will be many months more than expected. What an emotional rollercoaster...
There is not a morning that goes by that I don't think about our baby girl, or an afternoon, or an evening. She is with me, with us, all the time.
Where do we go from here?

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